
Accepting new patients

Dr. Eleanor Hung will now be accepting new patients.

New patient meet and greet appointments are currently booking into March 2025. Unfortunately, she does not speak Chinese.

Please complete the new patient intake form by clicking the button to your right. You will be contacted to book a meet and greet appointment.

If you are having trouble with the link, feel free to contact our office and ask to complete a paper copy of the intake form.

I feel sick!

It’s cold and flu season. We know it’s hard to decide when to see a doctor.

Click here for information to help you decide if you need to come in.

Please note this is NOT a substitute for medical advice.

Latest clinic news

  • We will be transitioning to the Ocean platform for patient messaging and reminders. Gmail will be phased out. Please click here to learn more.

  • We are now accepting appointments for flu vaccines. Please call our office to book your appointment.

  • Publicly funded shingrix vaccines are now available to eligible patients. Eligible patients

    • Must be a senior aged 65 to 70 years old

    • Have not received any publicly funded shingles vaccine or have previously paid for a dose of the Zostavax® II vaccine

    Publicly funded vaccines will be available to anybody aged 65-70 in January 2025 regardless of previous vaccination.

    If you are unsure or your vaccination status or have any other questions, please contact your healthcare provider.

  • Prevnar 20 is now available for patients who are 65+ and have not previously received Pneumovax or Prevnar 13.

    If you are unsure or your vaccination status or have any other questions, please contact your healthcare provider.

The basics

Welcome to Central Burlington Family Medicine. We look forward to working with you.

Learn about what we have to offer.

Stay up to date on medical recommendations and new clinic policies.